At Croft 22, we produce wool products, vegetables, eggs and more, whilst following a degrowth* philosophy. We work with other local producers, using regenerative** farming and sustainable biodiversity techniques, to ensure that we improve the natural resources that we are privileged to steward.
*Degrowth is a planned reduction of energy and resource use designed to bring the economy back into balance with the living world in a way that reduces inequality and improves human well-being.
**Regenerative agriculture is a conservation and rehabilitation approach to food and farming systems. It focuses on topsoil regeneration, increasing biodiversity, improving the water cycle, enhancing ecosystem services, supporting biosequestration, increasing resilience to climate change, and strengthening the health and vitality of farm soil.
We all need to feed, house and clothe ourselves but too often we consume more than is sustainable. We have spent 4 years thinking about and experimenting with how to live well and have happiness with less, and so we try to always reduce, repair, repurpose, reuse and recycle to ensure our impact on the environment is limited. Much on the croft is made from old materials destined for landfill or to be incinerated and where possible we repair first. In addition, we aim to reduce our consumption in balance with the work we are doing, so that that which is necessary to sustain our lives is balanced out.

“Farm” at Croft 22 is already underway and we have had a fantastic first season of growing with low input of energy and mostly in the natural elements, using foraged fertiliser and low impact pest control. With a tiny amount of help from recycled polycarbonate sheeting to help us with propagation we have had an abundant 1st crop with few failures.
The next step, “Forage”, our little honesty shed, has small batch produce from the Croft, the Western Isles, the Highlands and Scotland with the aim to become a low food miles, foodie heaven. After our amazing local shop sadly closed in July 2021, we decided to add a few essentials that locals and visitors might run out of too, like Bumboo toilet roll and eco friendly toiletries and detergents from UK producers. We stock fresh bakery, dairy, charcuterie, meat, eggs, vegetables and snacks produced by producers that share our values and passion for Scottish produce. We have also started a weekly essentials food box which can be tailored to each person’s needs, bringing down the food miles and enhancing collective buying power over time. The aim is not to make huge profits but rather that it should sustain itself and become a valuable addition to the local community.

We have two projects underway which will further build on these values. “Feast”, a mobile food kitchen which will allow us to make meals using produce that we stock, has just started being fitted out.

“Forest”, our newly planted woodland, supported by a crowdfunder run in September 2018 is under way. So far we have planted 1100+ native trees and hedging plants with many more to come this next 5 years as we regenerate the Croft, fix the fences and build shelter belts and hedgerows.
We do all of this from our croft (and van which we live in) and have only just been connected to electricity and water which we are using sparingly, with our values in mind.
It’s been a tough 18 months but we’ve managed to get really far in spite of all the challenges, and hope to be bringing more stories, pictures and films from our special piece of Great Bernera.